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Posted on: March 29, 2019 | by: Find Self Storage 2019-03-29

5 Garage Sale Tips and Tricks

As summer winds nearer and nearer, many people start to plan garage sales. A garage sale is not only a great way to get rid of items you do not need, it can also help you to make some extra money. If you’re thinking about hosting a garage sale, there are a few tips you can follow to make sure your event is as successful as possible. Check out these must-follow garage sale tips and tricks!

The Best Garage Sale Tips for Sellers

  1. Check for permits: Some cities now require you to have a permit in order to have a garage sale. It is better to be safe than sorry, so we recommend talking to your town hall before hosting the event. Having a garage sale without a permit can be grounds for getting shut down or fined.
  2. Advertise: This tip can’t be understated. During the weeks leading up to your garage sale, start advertising for the event. If you’re willing to pay for advertisement, consider putting an ad in the local newspaper. Yard signs can also go a long way to attract customers to your sale.
  3. Sort your items into categories: When a potential customer comes to view your sale, you won’t have long to spark their interest. Sort your items into easy categories so they know exactly where to find what they’re looking for.
  4. Evaluate your prices: If your prices are too high, you may turn away potential customers. When people go to garage sales, they do not expect to pay premium prices. Try to keep your prices low to get your items to sell easier.
  5. Have change ready: Throughout the duration of your garage sale, it is highly likely you will have to make change at some point. Before the garage sale, make a trip to the bank to get change. This will make a huge difference in helping your garage sale go much smoother.

Need Household Storage Before Hosting a Garage Sale?

During the months leading up to your garage sale, what do you do with the items you want to sell? You already know you don’t want these items cluttering your house anymore, but your garage sale isn’t scheduled for a few more months. A storage unit rental allows you to get items you no longer want out of your home and into a safe and secure location until you need them again.

Looking for a self storage unit near you? Find Self Storage has storage facilities in Dallas, TX, Carrollton, TX, Plano, TX, Leesville, LA and Alexandria, LA on Windermere Blvd and Lodi Rd. Our storage facilities offer many different storage features, including climate controlled storage units and vehicle storage options. Reserve a 5×5, 5×10 or 10×10 storage unit with Find Self Storage today!

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